Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tim Leiweke Article / Interview on bloomberg.com

Tim Leiweke, is sure not afraid of speaking out his mind. The newly-minted CEO of the Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment offered some insight on his opinion of the state of MLSE's franchises (Raptors, Leafs, TFC, Marlies) in the recent interview for bloomberg.com.

A few Raptors-related quotes from the article after the jump.

Tim Leiweke, MLSE
Tim Leiweke at the Raptors Town Hall SSH Event

“Our owners know we’ve got to be patient and stop knee-jerking like we have in the past,” he said. In return he’s pledged to double the value of Maple Leaf Sports in the next five to seven years.“Winning does a lot of that, 30 percent minimum comes just from winning,” he said.
“I didn’t get along with the GM of the basketball team, so we brought in somebody who sees the world the same way I do,” Leiweke said. 
The owners “are very aware that we may ultimately have to, excuse my English, suck to be good,” he said. “They understand they’re going to have to be patient there.”

Read the full article here.

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