Monday, November 14, 2011

#NoNBA... For now.

The negotiations between NBA and NBPA have suffered yet another, and possibly the most critical yet, setback as the players decided the owners' latest proposal was unacceptable to them. Subsequently, the NBPA disclaimed its interest as the players’ union.  Stern then announced that this season is the “nuclear winter.”

At the first glance this doesn't sound good at all. But, if you look at the situation closely, had the players been serious about blowing the season up they'd have opted for decertification instead. Decertification is a more complex and lenghty process while Disclaimer of Interest doesn't really mean much and allows the NBPA to be reformed by a quick vote.

The situation is hardly critical and looks like yet another, quite desperate, attempt at posturing. Expect the NBA to be back by Christmas. You can bet on that.